Shortstop® Coming to the ISA Annual Conference & Trade Show

Arborjet’s Product Marketing Manager, Mark Griffith and Technical Products Manager, Marianne Waindle, shared their thoughts and excitement about the upcoming International Society of Arboriculture’s annual Trade Show and Conference at the Fort Worth Convention Center in Fort Worth, Texas.

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The Oak Wilt Crisis in Michigan

Oak Wilt was first discovered in Texas where it currently infects over seventy-six counties and almost every city in the central part of the state. Individuals and municipalities have been battling oak wilt in the mid-west for years and now it occurs in twenty-one states. Oak Wilt is an up and coming problem in Michigan, so Arborjet’s Regional Technical Manager, Joe Aiken filled us in on the current situation.

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Repopulating the Giants: A Great Adventure

On Thursday, May 26, Joe Aiken, Arborjet’s Great Lakes Regional Technical Manager, along with team members from Bartlett Arborist Supply and the Archangel Ancient Tree Archive left Michigan to collect

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Saving Ponderosa Pines

We are pleased to share another Arborjet product success story. This testimonial comes from Ron Osborn in California, who discusses his decision to save the Ponderosa Pines on his property.

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Repopulating Sequoias Worldwide

Joe Aiken, Arborjet’s Great Lakes Regional Technical Manager is joining Bartlett Arborist Supply and the Archangel Ancient Tree Archive to propagate sequoia trees before it’s too late. Redwood trees are

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Introducing TREE-äge G4

Arborjet’s TREE-äge® is the name you trust, has always delivered results you can count on. Developed in the USA, TREE-äge G4® general use pesticide provides for two-year control of listed

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Arborjet Celebrates Arbor Day

  Happy Arbor Day! For over 15 years, Arborjet has focused on developing the leading tree injection equipment and formulations to protect trees. In this time, tens-of-millions of trees have

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Introducing Shortstop® Plant Growth Regulator for Trees

Shortstop® is a systemic plant growth regulator that slows vegetative growth by inhibiting gibberellin biosynthesis on trees. Shortstop reduces the above ground vegetative growth and changes specific morphological characteristics of

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