Terminate Apple Scab Infection

Apple scab is a fungal disease caused by the fungus Venturia inaequalis, which affects leaves, fruit and twigs. While most common in apple trees, the fungus frequently infects both pear

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Stop Sudden Oak Death This Fall

Sudden oak death (SOD) is the common name for a fatal tree disease caused by Phytophthora ramorum, a species of oomycetes that are similar to fungi. SOD is one of

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Late-Season Treatments Protect Trees

After a long winter, the influx of business combined with unpredictable spring weather can sometimes prove to be challenging for even veterans in tree care. This year, consider shifting some

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Understanding Thrips

Thrips are slender, tiny insects (generally 1 mm or less) that often have fringed wings. Nymphs lack wings, are elongate, and range in color from off-white or yellow to brown

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The Advantage of Minimum Risk Pesticides

by Kristin Nikodemski Many pesticides, if used improperly, can have unintended consequences like harming the plant they were applied to protect or killing beneficial insects and organisms. When a controlled

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