As winter and the holidays approach, our thoughts turn to the ever-present conifer trees, so ubiquitous in winter landscapes and imagination. We take the evergreens for granted, but why does
Fall is a great time to condition the earth. Whether you are amending a vegetable garden, flower bed or lawn, the techniques that follow will help make your landscape more
As the season winds down and equipment starts to get put away, it’s time to set equipment away until next growing season. Your expensive equipment needs special care and attention
If you grow heirloom varieties, you may want to consider seed saving. If you grow hybrid garden varieties, just stop reading now! Why is that? Many garden plants are hybridized
The fall is an ideal time to transplant trees and shrubs! The reasons for this include: lower rates of moisture loss (via evapo-transpiration), moist soils that encourage root development, and
In our line of work, we have to treat different kinds of trees, some of which are easier to inject than others. Conifers are famously difficult trees to inject, due
This blog discusses planting perennials in the garden. Perennial plants include bulbs and plants. Fall is an excellent time to divide your plants, start cuttings and to transplant perennials as