The Return of the “Gypsy Moth Apocalypse” in New England: What You Can Do to Protect Your Trees Now

New England Gypsy Moth

Arborjet Inc., a revolutionary plant health care company, urges New England residents to consider trunk injection treatments now before Gypsy Moth wreaks havoc again this season. Last year, trees in the region were picked clean from these pests and their droppings caused an unsightly mess. Gypsy Moth season may hit New England again hard this year, with the fuzzy black caterpillars covering trees, plants and even cars and patios across the region.

“Typical Gypsy Moth hatch begins anywhere from late April to Mid-May depending on temperature, precipitation and soil temperatures. Treatment should be completed as the caterpillars increase in size to minimize feeding damage,” said Rob Gorden, Director of Urban Forestry for Arborjet. “By treating trees now, they will be protected for multiple seasons and can continue to thrive.”

Arborjet is now offering an environmentally responsible trunk injection treatment, TREE-äge G4, to control the Gypsy Moth population for up to two years. This effective method injects and seals the treatment directly into a tree’s vascular system so it does not seep into the air or soil, ensuring the treatment reaches the Gypsy Moth larvae as it feeds.

Gypsy Moth larvae feed on several types of trees, and under high population pressure will feed on almost any tree or shrub, chewing through the leaves and in many cases completely defoliating trees. Their preferred species include oaks, maple, beech, birch, hawthorn, apple, poplar and willow. Mature larvae may even feed on hemlock, spruce and pine. In addition to severe defoliation damage, Gypsy Moth caterpillar droppings cover patios, furniture and outdoor living areas, making for an unsanitary mess.

It’s not too late. Connect with your local arborist today and mention trunk injection with TREE-äge G4 to protect your trees from Gypsy Moth this season.

For more on Arborjet TREE-äge G4, and to find a service provider near you, visit To schedule interviews with Arborjet experts, or to view a demonstration of this treatment, please contact Erin Vadala, Warner Communications, at, or 978-468-3076.