Meet Your South Central Plant Healthcare Expert

Emmett Muennink

South Central Regional Technical Manager

Meet Emmett Muennink

Emmett holds a B.S. in Agronomy and a M.S. in Crop Science from Texas Tech University. After completing his master’s degree, he moved to the Dallas metroplex and began his career in Arboriculture. Starting out as a PHC technician for a Dallas area tree company, Emmett quickly climbed the ranks and managed the entire PHC division. He has performed nearly every job in the tree industry from diagnosis and PHC applications, to ground work, climbing, and stump grinding. Emmett’s formal education combined with his technical background provide him with an excellent understanding of plant and soil science, as well as practical knowledge of PHC and the tree industry. He enjoys staying on the cutting edge of PHC technologies and sharing his knowledge with other tree care professionals. On weekends and holidays you’ll find Emmett spending time with his family and friends, as well as hunting, fishing, BBQing, and rooting for his Red Raiders!

Have you seen these pests near your home?

These pests have been causing destruction throughout the South Central US. Arborjet offers environmentally responsible tree injection treatments that help to combat Oak Wilt, Emerald Ash Borer, Chlorosis and more.

Don’t wait, the time to treat is now. Find a Tree Care Service Provider>

Oak Wilt

The fungus is spread through root grafts between neighboring trees and by insects. Red Oaks are particularly susceptible to oak wilt. The infection causes leaf discoloration, defoliation and death in a very short period of time (from two months to one year).

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Emerald Ash Borer

This metallic wood boring beetle was found in Detroit, Michigan and Ontario, Canada in 2002, and has continued to spread into neighboring states and eventually across the U.S. and Canada.

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Iron or manganese chlorosis (interveinal chlorosis) describes a condition in which a tree’s foliage loses its healthy green color and fades to a pale green or yellow hue. This condition, if allowed to progress, will cause slow growth, leaf loss, and eventually tree death.

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