Start Treating for Spotted Lanternfly with IMA-jet®

The Spotted Lanternfly nymphs will feed on a wide range of plant species. Keep your clients landscapes safe from this invasive, destructive pest with Arborjet.


Spotted Lanternfly is an invasive pest, originally from Asia that is currently and rapidly spreading across the country. According to the U.S. Department of Agriculture this invasive pest “could be the most destructive species in 150 years.”  

The brightly colored planthopper was first discovered in Pennsylvania in 2014. Established populations are now found in Pennsylvania and Virginia and the pest has been identified in New York, New Jersey, Connecticut, Delaware and Maryland, and other bordering states are on alert. The Spotted Lanternfly nymphs will feed on a wide range of plant species, including grape, hops, grasses and fruit trees, while adults prefer to feed on trees, particularly Tree of Heaven, walnut, maple, birch, and others, posing a serious threat to agriculture and tourism.


Here at Arborjet® we have a proven and effective treatment solution to control this devastating insect. To treat the Spotted Lanternfly, Arborjet uses a systemic micro-injectable product IMA-jet®. “In recent field trials, this treatment proved successful in eliminating the pest from the host tree and reducing honeydew and sooty mold production,” states Don Grossman our Technology Advancement Manager & Entomologist here at Arborjet.

Spotted Lanternfly nymph in the last instar stage. Later instar nymphs and adults feed on trees such as Tree of Heaven, Walnut, Maple, and Birch.