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Top 5 Plant Healthcare Products for Spring

Now that spring is here, it’s time to think about the products you will need to use for plant healthcare. In fact, many of the products need to be applied before bud break in order to get the best results. Different issues need to be addressed early in the season, such as soil condition, available nutrients, and pests. We have solutions for all of them. Here’s a look at the best products to use on your clients’ properties and landscapes:

Amend Soil

Since all plants come from the soil, we first need to make sure soil is in good shape. After checking for moisture and compaction levels, applying a soil amendment like NutriRoot will provide plants with the early boost they need. NutriRoot is made with seaweed extract and humic acids to improve soil structure. Everyday soil amendments such as compost and mulch can also serve the same purpose, getting vital nutrients like carbon and nitrogen into the soil and improving its structure and quality.

Soil injections with the AccuFlo ISD
Soil injections with the AccuFlo ISD

Control Plant Growth

If your customers have trees and shrubs that need constant pruning or need extra help with rooting and nutrient absorption, treat them with an application of a plant growth regulator like Shortstop 2SC. Shortstop 2SC is a 22% paclobutrazol that suppresses the plant hormone gibberellin, which changes the plant’s focus from new shoot growth to root growth, leading to stronger roots and more fine root hairs, as well as shorter branches, thicker leaves, and flowers growing closer together. This improves plant appearance and means less work pruning and shaping throughout the season. An application in spring will last through the whole growing season and have noticeable impacts.

Protect Tree Health

With spring comes the re-emergence of damaging insects, including invasive tree pests. After checking to see what invasive insects are you in your region, look to treat vulnerable and valuable trees with the appropriate injectable insecticide. TREE-äge R10, an Emamectin Benzoate, has broad utility against common insects such as emerald ash borer, spongy moth, shot hole borer, and pine bark beetle. Other products, such as ACE-jet or IMA-jet, can also be used depending on local regulations or specific issues you’re facing. Treating in spring provides protection for at least a year and will help kill off feeding adults and developing larvae.

Think as well about plant diseases that occur in spring, such as fire blight, apple scab, and Dutch elm disease. Products such as PHOSPHO-jet, Propizol, and Arbor OTC can all be applied as tree injections to treat tree diseases.

Boost Tree Growth

Give trees some extra love and care at the beginning of the season with ArborPlex (14-4-5). It provides a slow-release nitrogen and other essential nutrients to trees to improve vigor, especially in urban trees. The rest of the Arbor Rx line of fertilizers and soil enhancements will meet specific needs for your trees, but ArborPlex will provide a good starting point.

Conserve Water

Whether you’re facing uncertain rainfall levels, a hot season, or just want reliability in your watering schedule, Hydretain is the solution. This product will help reduce waterings by converting evaporating water in the soil back to plant-usable liquid water. In most areas, one application lasts for 90 days, so whether you use it on lawns, gardens, or trees, you’ll have the water-saving effects all spring.

Spring is a very busy time, but with the right preparation and the right products, your work will be easier and your plants will be in better condition. Reach out to your local regional manager for additional guidance on what products will be best for you.


©2024 Arborjet, Inc. Important: Always read and follow label instructions. Some crop protection products may not be registered for sale or use in all states or counties. Please check with your state or local extension service to ensure registration status. TREE-äge® Insecticide or TREE-äge is a Restricted Use Pesticide and must only be sold to and used by a state certified applicator or by persons under their direct supervision. TREE-äge® is a registered trademark of Arborjet, Inc.


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