Recover From Summer Stress Now With Fall Treatments

Throughout North America and the world, summers continue to get hotter, with more unpredictable weather conditions. Gardens, trees, lawns, and landscapes experience elevated levels of stress, with browning turf, wilting
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Growing Your Business With Shortstop 2SC

At first, glance, our paclobutrazol product Shortstop 2SC may just be useful for inhibiting vegetative growth. However, it has numerous effects that not only benefit plants, but can help grow
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How To Treat Chlorosis In Oak Trees

Chlorosis is a highly visible deficiency in micronutrients in trees that results in lower chlorophyll levels, leading to pale green or yellow leaves. Chlorosis is typically caused by lack of
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Pollinator Protection & Trunk Injection

While last week was officially deemed “Pollinator Week”, at Arborjet our reason for existing is to build more environmentally friendly solutions for serious tree pests, which can severely damage or
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Carbon Products for Enhanced Soil Health

“Carbon” is one of the buzziest words in the plant health care industry right now, and for good reason. The supply chain issues have caused traditional fertilizers prices to soar,
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