Meet Your Eastern Golf, Sports Turf and Nursery Expert
Eric Steffensen
Eastern Regional Sales Manager Golf, Sport Turf, and Nursery Markets
Eric has worked in the green industry his entire career and brings with him 20+ years of experience. Eric holds a Bachelor’s Degree from Penn State in Turfgrass Science. He started working at a golf course at the age of 16, and ultimately worked his way up to Assistant Superintendent. From there, Eric owned and operated his own residential turf management business, in Charlotte, NC. In 2018 Eric sold his company and relocated to Nashville, TN and began working for Sigma Organics, where he actually brought on the Arborjet brand!
Eric found a passion for the industry through the results he saw; the immediacy of results, striping a fairway, or a landscape install that he designed drew him in more with every job he worked on. In his role as Eastern Regional Sales manager, Eric will support both Arborjet and Ecologel products in the Golf, Turf, and Nursery markets; developing new business around the country and providing technical knowledge to all sectors of the green industry. When not in the office, you can find Eric with his family and dogs hiking local trails, or relaxing out at the lakefront.
From fresh green turf to towering trees lining the fairway, we provide solutions to protect your entire course from drought, invasive pests, diseases, and more.
Fertilizers and Water Management
Drought stress and insufficient water retention can be major problems for a golf course. Manage your soil moisture with Hydretain and increase root density with CytoGro. If you need micro and macronutrient solutions we have a robust catalog in our BioPro line.
Keep your assets green with our environmentally friendly Summer Stress Program. Save money, water, time, and labor!
Green Speed Improvement
Our customized Green Speed Program is designed to increase speed while maintaining superior turf quality and color. Reduce irrigation for better dry down, while strengthening your turf’s leaf blade rigidity to increase your green speed at higher mowing heights.
View our Green Speed Program to find out which solution is right for your course!