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Products to Use to Prepare for Spring Planting

Winter can be challenging on your landscapes, but when springs come around, it is time to start planting again. Transitioning from winter weather to planting season can be tricky, but the right products can help improve the success of your growing seasoning. Here’s a look at some of the best products from Arborjet | Ecologel to use.

Recover from Salt Damage

Road salts and de-icing agents are frequently used in cold regions, and they can have harsh impacts on soil and grasses. Sodium from road salts and other sources can disrupt soil structure, nutrient uptake, and soil pH. Applying Na-X, a solution containing calcium and urea nitrogen, will flush sodium from the soil and improve soil structure. The calcium will also help improve soil structure, allowing better water penetration. Consider Na-X for landscaped areas near roads and sidewalks!

Develop Roots

Regardless of your soil structure and condition, it could use a nutrient boost after a long winter and as you begin establishing new growth! NutriRoot is a good all-purpose soil enhancement product that combines micro and macro nutrients to provide developing roots with growth and vigor. Apply it to new seeds, transplanted trees and shrubs, and areas dealing with drought stress.

Help with Nutrient Absorption

If trees and shrubs need an additional boost for nutrient absorption, look to Shortstop 2SC. Shortstop is a plant growth regulator, so while it will result in slower-growing branches and leaves, it will also help roots grow larger. This will help with plant establishment and nutrient absorption, and if you have landscaping and maintenance concerns about plants that grow too fast, this is a good solution.

Reduce Water Use

Hydretain is a fantastic product that can be used all year round, but preparation for spring is when it can benefit the most. Hydretain helps retain water in the soil, which means you need to water less throughout the season. One application of Hydretain last for 90 days, so getting one down in early spring will last you until summer.

Hydretain has been shown in studies to improve seeding and germination rates. This makes it a perfect companion to new grass seed. Make sure to water Hydretain applications in thoroughly.

Enhance Flowering

It wouldn’t be spring without flowers! While boosting and establishing roots is an important part of spring planting, using a phosphorous product like BloomPlex will also provide enhanced flower blooms and fruit growth. Use it on flower plants and gardens as well as on shrubs. This is a great option to help make landscapes more colorful in spring!

BloomPlex treated and untreated

Spring is an exciting and busy time for the green industry. Between changing weather, new plantings, clients, and winter recovery, spring can get overwhelming. These products can help make spring planting easier and help ensure success for the season to come.


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