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Product Spotlight: FOURPlay

Soil moisture is necessary for plant growth and beautiful landscapes.  However, this isn’t always as easy as just watering regularly.  There may be several issues that will affect soil moisture or its ability to retain water, which will affect plant health.

There are times when one particular technology may be the answer, but sometimes problems are more complicated and require several solutions.  Correcting short-term water management problems will prevent them from becoming long-term reoccurring problems.  This is where FOURPlay is the perfect answer.

What FOURPlay is Used For

Here’s a look at what FOURPlay is best used for:

Recovery Product for Hydrophobic Soils

Hydrophobic soils are soils that repel water and resist accepting water.  These conditions are usually caused by buildup of oils, resins, fatty acids, and other organic materials that are deposited in the soil by sources such as fungi, other soil microorganisms, and plant root secretions.  These materials build up over time and prevent water from getting into the soil.  Hydrophobic conditions often do not become evident until the soil dries out during hot, dry weather periods.  Once these areas dry out, it becomes very difficult to wet them again.

Treating Localized Dry Spots

Localized dry spots are areas of hydrophobic soils that occur in small, localized areas.  They become evident as plants, such as grass, wilt and turn off color.  You can try to treat them by adding frequent applications of water, but the most effective treatment is to use FOURPlay, which contains a surfactant that can penetrate the hydrophobic soil coating that leads to dry spots.


What’s in FOURPlay?

FOURPlay is a blend of four different products: Hydretain, SeaXtra seaweed extract, humates, and surfactants/wetting agents. These ingredients all work together to promote greater soil moisture management.

The surfactants/wetting agents in FOURPlay first encourage water to move back into the dry soil.  They also help the product move through hydrophobic areas and into the rootzone.  The Hydretain then condenses water vapor or humidity in the soil back into plant-usable water for the plant roots to find.  The humates also act like wetting agents and add organic carbon back into the soil to help hold moisture in the area.  Finally, the SeaXtra seaweed extract encourages roots to move back into the formerly dry soil where they once again flourish.

How to Use FOURPlay

FOURPlay is a very flexible product and can be sprayed on the entire landscape to help reduce overall water use.  You can also use it as a preventative on areas with a history of becoming hydrophobic just before hot and dry conditions occur, or use FOURPlay as a spot treatment on small localized dry spots after they show up.  The key to success is to make sure the FOURPlay is thoroughly watered into the soil to the depth of the roots.

FOURPlay can be applied at the same rates as Hydretain.  Start with 9 ounces dissolved in a gallon of water, and retreat with 3 ounces in a gallon every month.  FOURPlay can also be used as a soil drench on flower gardens and vegetable beds by mixing 2 ounces per gallon of water.

While there are some Arborjet | Ecologel products that also help with water management, such as Hydretain, NutriRoot, and Multi-Purpose Plus, they each have a unique role. FOURPlay focuses exclusively on managing localized dry spots, while NutriRoot helps with root development, and Multi-Purpose Plus provides nutrients to help improve grass color.  All these products contain Hydretain for water management.

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Hydrophobic conditions and localized dry spots can cause unsightly areas in the landscape.  They can also endanger the health of landscape plants by depriving them of water.  FOURPlay is a muti-faceted answer to these common problems and should be in the toolbox of products for any landscape manager or homeowner wanting to manage soil moisture situations.  Learn more on our website, or reach out to one of our experts.


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