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Sandy Soil

Sandy soils are coarse textured soils, composed of relatively large particles that are prone to drying. Such soils tend to have very good aeration and percolation characteristics, that is they easily absorb water, favor gas exchange and drain well. Nutrient retention and availability, however, in coarse soils is low, therefore nutrients deficiencies are common in such soils. Unless plants are adapted to dry (xeric) growing conditions, watering and nutrient additions ought to be closely monitored.

Common Symptoms

Nutrient deficiencies manifest in different ways and have different symptoms and treatments. A plant tissue or foliar analysis may be needed to correctly determine the specific deficiency. In general, micronutrient deficiencies can be resolved with soil drench or tree injections. Soil drenches and foliar sprays are effective for small trees and shrubs, while injections are more useful for larger trees.


Adding organic matter such as compost to sandy soils can help with plant establishment. Soil conditioners add organic matter, including carbon-based materials. Carbon is a significant nutrient to add to soils since it breaks down more slowly and provides a greater long-term release of nutrients. Bio MP™ (5-3-2) is an excellent source of carbon-based nutrients. 

In addition, CytoGro®/SeaXtra® will help support plant growth as a plant stimulant, providing auxins and cytokinins and essential micronutrients. NutriSolve™ will also provide micronutrients.

EnviroPlex™ and FOURPlay™ are soil conditioners that improve soil conditions allowing for better aeration, and holding more moisture and nutrients. NutriRoot and FOURPlay® are made with Hydretain® to help maintain moisture in difficult soil conditions. We recommend adding Hydretain to sandy soils regardless of other treatments that have been made to increase water management. 

All treatments can be applied via soil injection for greater accuracy of dose, or by soil drench, using the AccuFlo ISD soil injector device. 

Suggested Treatment Programs:

  • NutriRoot plus NutriSolve (spring & fall)
  • NutriRoot (spring & fall) plus EnviroPlex (summer)
  • FourPlay (summer and period of drought)
  • FourPlay plus Nutrisolve (drought and micronutrient deficiency)
  • Hydretain plus CytoGro /SeaXtra (summer and period of drought)Hydretain plus EnviroPlex – moisture manager plus soil conditioner

When To Treat

Treat with NutriRoot + Nutrisolve in spring and fall

In summer, treat with EnviroPlex and FourPlay.

During summer and periods of drought, treat with Hydretain and CytoGro/SeaXtra

Hydretain can also be used anytime

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