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Sudden Oak Death

Sudden oak death (SOD) is the common name for a fatal tree disease caused by Phytophthora ramorum, a species of oomycetes (water molds) that are similar to fungi.  

SOD is one of 210 described species of Phytophthora, all of which cause disease in plants.  Many Phytophthora species attack roots in poorly drained or anaerobic soils.  The primary hosts of SOD are coast live oak, California black oak, Shreve oak, tan oak, and canyon live oak. P. ramoram also causes Ramoram blight on well over 100 species of cultivated plants; including other hardwoods, conifers, shrubs, herbaceous plants and ferns. Symptoms in other species are often expressed as leaf blight. P. ramorum can cause foliar disease in Douglas-fir, coast redwood and California bay laurel.  Unlike many Phytophthora species that infect roots, P. ramorum is mainly a foliar pathogen.

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Common Symptoms

Leaves will appear drought- stressed, sometimes turning dull green, yellow, red, or purple as they wilt. Infected bark will be water- soaked, with red-brown discoloration and a disagreeable odor. Bleeding cankers form at the base of the trunk and eventually lead to death. SOD infection is usually followed by beetle infestation and/or an alternate pathogen infection.

SOD symptoms are very similar to other common fungal infections. A positive identification of the disease requires sending a tissue sample to a qualified lab.


We recommend the use of PHOSPHO-jet™, a systemic fungicide for treatment of SOD. Arborjet recommends a two-pronged approach:

First, apply a micro-injection of PHOSPHO-jet into susceptible host trees. Second, amend the soil around the tree with humates (high quality organic matter). Phytophthora thrives in poorly drained and anaerobic soils. The addition of humates will help to increase soil aeration and make the root environment less conducive to disease development.

When To Treat

When treating for SOD, it is best to treat in Fall to minimize the risk of spreading the infection. Disinfect drill bits and injection needles between trees.

What To Expect After Treatment

Tree recovery will be dependent upon the severity of the Phytophthora infection at the time of trunk injection. PHOSPHO-jet acts as a fungicide and, as an added benefit, stimulates new root growth. The addition of humates will create a soil environment that favors root growth over disease development.

References And Photo Credits

Main photo SOD canker under bark of tan oak taken by Joseph O’Brien, USDA Forest Service,

SOD bleeding canker taken by Bruce Moltzan, USDA Forest Service,

Black Sap released from bark cracks- P Svihira, UC ANR

Dead oak killed by SOD on the landscape taken by Laura Lee Sims

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The local area representative and the whole Arborjet team is always there when we need it, and have shown us a high level of expertise for all things trees. Great partner!

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