On-Demand Webinar Series
Earn ISA Continuing Education Credits through the Arborjet | Ecologel On-Demand Webinar Series
Each winter, Arborjet | Ecologel offers a free online webinar series to provide a foundational understanding of our equipment and formulations, as well as other important issues surrounding the green industry. Webinar topics range from business solutions, important regional insect and disease updates to new product sessions. Webinars are available on-demand during the program period.
Attendees may be able to earn the following:
- “Arborjet Trained” certification and logo which can be used for marketing and promotional purposes
- Listing in our online Service Provider Search Engine which directs prospective customers to your business
- ISA CEU’s. Credits will be issued on a rolling basis. (CEU’s may not be available for previous graduates of the course).
Registration for the 2025 On-Demand Webinar has closed
We will be opening registration for the 2026 On-Demand Webinar in the coming weeks.
Thank you for all the hard work you put into organizing these ondemand webinars and supporting the plant health care industry. I look forward to continuing my professional development through your programs.”
Martin D. Heynen
Webinar Classes
The course is comprised of 31 on-demand webinar classes that can be taken any time between January 15 and March 12, 2025. In order to graduate and qualify as “Arborjet Certified,” you MUST take all 6 core courses and at least 4 elective courses, as well as one live in-person training session.
There is no limit to the number of classes one can attend; participants are encouraged to attend as many as possible.
You’ll learn about our new platform, get a brief overview of our course offerings, see the general timeline for the series, and learn about the process for getting CEU credits.
Let’s start with the basics! Learning about the basics of tree biology and physiology gives us an understanding of how and why different treatments work. Learn about the tree’s external and internal structure, how it transports nutrients, and how tree injections work.
1/2 CEU credit
Tree injections are Arborjet | Ecologel’s primary method for tree protection, and Arborplugs form the cornerstone of the process. Learn about the how these devices work and why they’re so important for tree injections, as well as how to properly drill and set the Arborplugs.
1/2 CEU
QUIK-jet AIR® Injection System (CORE)
The QUIK-jet AIR is Arborjet’s go-to tree injection device for its ease of use and efficiency. Learn how this device works, what it’s used for, and when and how to use it. You’ll also learn how to troubleshoot and do maintenance, and review sample applications.
1/2 CEU credit
TREE I.V./FSeries Injection Systems (CORE)
Tried-and-true tools designed for tree injections on larger trees. Learn about how to use these two devices, when to use them, including special circumstances, and which products they pair with best. You’ll also learn how to clean and care for the device and the different parts, and see an example of an application to prepare you for use in the field
1/2 CEU credit
TREE-äge G4, and TREE-äge R10 (CORE)
This course covers two different products using the TREE-äge label, our injectable emamectin benzoate solution. TREE-äge is one of our most important products for protecting trees from emerald ash borer and other insect pests. Learn the science behind how these products work, their efficacy data, and how to use them.
1/2 CEU credit
Learn about the basics of our injectable Imidacloprid product, including its efficacy, mode of action, how and when to apply, and general uses.
1/2 CEU credit
ACE-jet Insecticide (ELECTIVE)
This lesson covers our Acephate product ACE-jet. Learn how, when, and where to apply, what it’s used for, insects and diseases it can control, and the label and SDS.
1/2 CEU credit
Organic and water-soluble insect control for a wide range of problems. Learn about how AzaSol works (mode of action), how and when to apply, common applications, what issues it can help resolve, and application examples to prepare you for use in the field.
1/2 CEU credit
Arbor-OTC Bacteriostatic (ELECTIVE)
Our systemic tree antibiotic. This course covers what Arbor-OTC treats for, how and when to use it, and discusses the label information.
1/2 CEU credit
PHOSPHO-jet Fungicide (ELECTIVE)
Our systemic phosphorus-based fungicide and disease suppressor. Learn about this product, including how it works, how and when to use it, what it can be used to treat, and when to use PHOPHO-jet instead of Propizol. You’ll also go over sample applications to learn how the product should be used in different situations.
1/2 CEU credit
Propizol Fungicide (ELECTIVE)
A versatile fungicide designed to be injected or sprayed for a wide variety of fungi and diseases. Learn about how and when to apply Propizol, what it controls for and when you should use it over our other fungicide PHOSPHO-jet. We will also go over sample applications of Propizol to cover the amount and cost of product needed in different situations.
1/2 CEU credit
Mn-jet Fe Injectable Fertilizer (ELECTIVE)
Learn more about this injectable manganese and iron supplement used to address micronutrient deficiencies, including chlorosis. This lesson covers how and when to use the product, the ingredients, its efficacy, and labels and SDS.
1/2 CEU credit
NutriRoot Fertilizer (ELECTIVE)
A unique blend of nutrients and seaweed extract designed to improve rooting and root development in trees, shrubs, and flowers, and reduce transplant stress. Learn about what the product does, its ingredients, how and when to use it, how to apply it, and about the two different formulations.
1/2 CEU credit
Shortstop 2SC Plant Growth Regulator (ELECTIVE)
Learn about our plant growth regulator, Shortstop 2SC, a Paclobutrazol product designed to inhibit vegetative growth. This lesson covers the product’s active ingredient, the efficacy, cost of application, and how and when to use it.
1/2 CEU credit
Arbor Rx is our prescriptive fertilization and soil enhancement program for tree and shrub care. Learn about the different products that are part of this program, which products you want to use in different scenarios and for different problems, and how to market and promote the program to customers.
1/2 CEU credit
Our Eco-1 line of products are organic and designed for insect control in commercial and residential settings. Learn about how it works, its uses, how and when to apply, the label, and SDS.
1/2 CEU credit
Product Selection (ELECTIVE)
Arborjet | Ecologel has a wide range of formulations and chemistries designed for controlling insects, fungi, and diseases, and for addressing nutrient concerns. How do you know which is the right one to use in any given situation? Learn about how to read the product labels and safety data sheets (SDS), and factors like timing and budgeting that can impact your choice.
1/2 CEU credit
AccuFlo Soil Injector ISD (ELECTIVE)
The AccuFlo ISD is our multipurpose soil injection system, built to accurately measure products used in soil injection for trees, shrubs, and landscapes. Learn about how it works, its different uses, how and when to use it, what Arborjet | Ecologel products it can be used with, and maintenance.
1/2 CEU credit
Supersonic Air Knife (ELECTIVE)
Want to learn the best way to excavate soil without damage roots? The Supersonic Air Knife lesson walks you through how and when to use this device, what it can be used for, and the different models in the product line.
1/2 CEU credit
Rehabilitating Trees from Drought Stress (ELECTIVE)
Droughts can occur anywhere in the US and can lead to stressed trees. Learn what insects, diseases, and health issues are associated with drought stress, how to combat it, and what products are most useful.
1 CEU credit
Pricing and Selling PHC (ELECTIVE)
Once you’ve built your PHC program, you need to know how to properly market your offerings. Learn the best ways to sell your new PHC programs, and how to figure out the best price for yourself and your customers.
1/2 CEU credit
Trunk Injecting Evergreens (ELECTIVE)
The different biology of conifer trees means they require different methods of care. Learn about the difference between conifer and deciduous trees, the best methods for injecting a conifer tree, as well as the most common insect pests and diseases to treat for.
1/2 CEU credit
Trunk Injecting Palms (ELECTIVE)
Palm trees have unique biology and therefore different needs than other trees. Learn about palm tree biology, common insect pests and diseases, nutrient needs, the best methods and tools for injecting palms, and other general care tips.
1/2 CEU credit
Hydretain and Moisture Management for Turf and Trees (ELECTIVE)
Hydretain is our signature moisture management product. Learn all about Hydretain, how it works, when and how to use it, and its benefits for plants and trees. You’ll also learn about how to sell water management programs to your customers.
1/2 CEU credit
Mastering Lawn Maintenance: Best Practices for a Lush Green Yard (ELECTIVE)
If you’ve been thinking about expanding your PHC business to include lawn maintenance, start here. Learn about turfgrass biology and the science of lawn fertilization, how to expand your business, how to design a lawncare program, types of programs you can create, and what equipment you will need.
1 CEU credit
The Science of Soil: Understanding and Improving Soil Health (ELECTIVE)
Understanding plant health starts with understanding soil health. Learn about soil biology and management, how to create a soil management program, what products are needed to boost soil health, and how to promote soil management programs to customers.
1/2 CEU credit
CytoGro/SeaXtra (ELECTIVE)
Learn about CytoGro and SeaXtra, biostimulant products designed to improve plant growth. This course will review the basics of these products, including the differences between them, how they work, efficacy data, and when and how to use them.
1/2 CEU credit
Turf Programs (ELECTIVE)
Arborjet | Ecologel offers eight different programs of pre-selected products designed for different turf health needs. Learn about the role of micronutrients in turf health, the basics of turf health care, the different programs and what issues they resolve, and the core products behind each program.
1/2 CEU credit
Details and Requirements
- Arborjet | Ecologel Webinars are free of cost
- Webinar classes are approximately 30 or 60 minutes each.
- To receive ISA credits and other benefits, participants are required to take a 10 question quiz at the end of each class and pass with a score of 80% or higher.
- A live, in-person training session with a regional manager is also required if you want to be certified. A regional manager will reach out after registration is complete.
- Each attendee seeking the graduation benefits must attend the required classes using their own individual log-in ID and must log on from a unique terminal.
- PLEASE NOTE that repeat courses from previous years are eligible for credits again in 2025. Repeat courses will not be eligible again in 2026.
Previous Webinars
If you’ve missed one of our live webinars, check out our recorded webinars on our YouTube channel.
Search all previous webinars on YouTube