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TREE-äge® R10: Continuing the TREE-äge Lecacy

“With its reduced injection time and proven results, R10 is the ideal product to

enhance our customer’s productivity,” said Arborjet COO Russ Davis.


Here at Arborjet, Inc. we strive to revolutionize how trees are treated. TREE- äge®R10, is the newest addition to the effective line of TREE-äge products. R10 is designed with an increased concentration (from 4% to 9.7%) and reduced viscosity, allowing for the product to be injected much faster and move faster within the host.

When used with Arborjet’s scientifically advanced technology and equipment, such as the QUIK-jet AIR®, field studies demonstrate that R10 injects up to three times faster in hardwoods and up to 9 times faster into conifers than generic brands and reduces tree pest damage significantly better than competitive products. R10 is particularly useful when injecting conifers and other diffuse porous trees that typically take more time to inject. It can be used on trees grown in residential and commercial landscapes, golf courses, parks, municipal areas, and areas of greater environmental sensitivity.

R10 Facts:

  • TREE-äge R10, available in a pint size, uses less than half the original TREE-äge®, and delivers significantly reduced injection times
  • Similar to the original TREE-äge, offers 2 years of protection (for most listed pests) and controls more than 40 pests including: Bark Beetles, Emerald Ash Borer, and Gypsy Moth
  • Works in all Arborjet equipment
  • For use by commercially licensed applicators

TREE-äge R10 Backed By Research

Treatment Summary

The time to inject TREE-age R10 (9.7% at 4.2 ml per point) into four injection sites on two species of hardwood (sugar maple and white oak) and two species of conifers (white pine and Norway spruce) was compared to that of a generic Emamectin Benzoate (EB) (4% at 10 ml per point) using the F-Series® TREE I.V. infusion at 80 psi.  Similar tests were conducted on red, black and white oak, white ash, white pine and Douglas-fir using the QUIK-jet AIR also at 80 psi.

Summary of Trial Results:

Application of R10 into four injection sites trees using the F-Series TREE I.V. required just under 3 minutes while the generic formula required nearly 5 minutes (1.6 X longer).   Using the QUIK-jet AIR, R10 was applied to four injection sites in hardwoods in an average of 38 seconds, while application of the generic EB required 105 seconds.  The difference between formulations was even greater when applied to conifers – R10 required 14 – 25 seconds while the generic EB required 96 – 181 seconds.  The higher concentration of R10 allows for lower volume injections and coupled with lower viscosity, injections of R10 are 2-3X faster into hardwoods than for generic EB and 7-9X faster into conifers.  We concluded that TREE-äge R10 injections are consistently faster than generic EB, thus improving injection efficiency.




TREE-äge® and TREE-äge® R10 Restricted Use Statement

For anything that mentions TREE-äge or TREE-äge® R10, the following MUST be included at the end of the document or as a footnote:

©2019 Arborjet, Inc. Important: Always read and follow label instructions. Some crop protection products may not be registered for sale or use in all states or counties. Please check with your state or local extension service to ensure registration status. TREE-äge® Insecticide is a Restricted Use Pesticide and must only be sold to and used by a state certified applicator or by persons under their direct supervision. TREE-äge® is a registered trademark of Arborjet, Inc.


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