
How to Treat Leaf Chewing Caterpillars

Springtime heralds the emergence of new growth, including insect larvae. While many insects can damage trees and plants in all their life stages, in spring caterpillars are the primary culprit
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How to Treat for Leaf Diseases in Plants

Trees begin to leaf out in spring, which means it’s time to start thinking about leaf disease issues you may encounter in the coming months. Diseases in trees and leaves
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Benefits of Using NutriRoot on Plants

If you’re looking for a soil amendment that will help out in most situations, look no further than NutriRoot. It is a multipurpose product that can be used for planting,
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Starting Plants from Seed in the Spring

Spring a season filled with the promise of a new beginning, and this hold true for the growing season. Late winter or early spring is when gardening enthusiasts should be
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