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Outstanding Disease Control Available Nationwide with Arbor-OTC™


Arborjet is currently enjoying the successful national launch of Arbor-OTC. Arbor-OTC is a systemic water soluble injectable antibiotic for the control of bacterial diseases in non-food bearing trees and palms.

Versatile & Effective

Arbor-OTC suppresses serious bacterial diseases such as Bacterial Leaf Scorch, Fire Blight, Lethal Yellows, and Texas Phoenix Palm Decline, Palm Yellows, Ash Yellows, Phytoplasma Disease. The formula is trunk injected to target diseased tissue and seal treatment inside tree when the bacterial disease is present. Additionally, unlike other methods of treatment, trunk injection reduces weather related delays.

Easy Application

The product is shelf-stable with no expiration date. The water-soluble powder has flexible mixing rates. The mix-and-pour container comes in two sizes: a one-ounce jar, designed for treating 10 trees or palms at 10-inch diameter at breast height (DBH) in the same day. For bigger projects, the 5 ounce container makes enough Arbor-OTC to treat 50 trees or palms at 10-inch DBH. Each container is specifically designed to make mixing convenient and easy.

Critics Agree

Our micro-injectable systemic antibiotic for the treatment of bacterial infections of trees and palms has made appearances in several publications including; Tree Care Industry Magazine, Total Landscape Care and Landscape Management have featured Arborjet-OTC as a product that helps tree health and delivers an antibiotic punch.
Do you have questions or comments about Arbor-OTC? Contact us!



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