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Halt the Spread of Pine Bark Beetle Infestations


There are numerous species of bark beetles, which infest conifers throughout North America. Adults tunnel through the bark, mate, and lay eggs in the phloem (inner bark). The larvae develop in the phloem and cambial region, while pupal development is completed in the outer bark. Adults develop from pupae and emerge by boring out through the bark. It is possible that multiple generations may be born each year.

Symptoms of infestation include: pitch tubes, reddish boring dust, adult exit holes, and yellowing foliage. The beetles commonly attack drought stressed trees. High numbers of attacks to trees are possible, which can result in extensive vascular injury and ultimately, tree death.

Control With TREE-äge®

Research studies using TREE-äge® insecticide have demonstrated great results against conifer bark beetles, depending on the pest species targeted. TREE-äge is for control of mature and immature arthropod pests of deciduous, coniferous, and palm trees. TREE-äge contains the active ingredient of 4% Emamectin Benzoate and is formulated to translocate in the tree’s vascular system when injected. This product must be injected into active sapwood and will actively control pests for up to two years with a single application. TREE-äge is designed for use with tree injection devices such as the TREE I.V. and QUIK-jet Air™.

Favorable Treatment Conditions

Effective injection treatment is favored by a full canopy and healthy vascular system. Optimally, treatment should be made preventatively weeks before the host tree is infested. As a result of systemic movement and longevity of TREE-äge in trees, this interval may be extended much earlier to 6 months should tree dormancy, adverse weather, management, asynchronous life cycle of pests, etc., allow earlier application timing. You can expect TREE-äge to be systemically distributed throughout the treated tree and protect the tree from the pest for up to 2 years.

Battling Bark Beetle Larvae

TREE-äge may also be effective as a remedial treatment against the multiple life stages of the bark beetle. The initial larval stages of bark beetles attack the stem and branches, which may disrupt vascular tissue resulting in poor distribution of the product in an infested tree. However, control may be achieved if larvae come into contact or feed on TREE-äge treated tissues.

Research studies using TREE-äge have demonstrated great results against conifer bark beetles. Do you have questions or would you like to talk to a service provider in your area? Contact us!

©2015 Arborjet, Inc. Important: Always read and follow label instructions. Some crop protection products may not be registered for sale or use in all states or counties. Please check with your state or local extension service to ensure registration status. TREE-äge® Insecticide is a Restricted Use Pesticide and must only be sold to and used by a state certified applicator or by persons under their direct supervision. TREE-äge® is a registered trademark of Arborjet, Inc.



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