More than 3 years ago, Arborjet was called in to look at some trees located at a prominent government operated Cemetery. These very large trees, lined the graves of brave service men and women. Their destruction would have devastated this sacred site.
Arborjet quickly realized that the time for processing a request through government channels would have taken far too long. As a result, Arborjet provided a grant to treat these beautiful trees and with the help of a few military personnel all 50 trees were treated. I have monitored these trees over the past few years but was never happier than this morning when I received a new picture of our trees. Three years later, they look fabulous and the grave sites remain protected. It made me reflect on many things this past year and realize that the greatest gifts sometime come in very small packages.
Happy holidays to all of you who help us do what we do.
– Russ Davis, Arborjet COO