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Arborjet Approved: Harrington’s Organic Pro Series: Soil Health Workshops

OrganicPros_imageArborjet’s Horticultural Specialist, Matt Andrus, recently gave his stamp of approval on the exceptional hands-on classes lead by industry pioneer, Todd Harrington of Harrington’s Organic Land Care. The classes include learning in depth about the soil food web, optimizing compost, extracts and teas, and performing “qualitative” analysis of the microorganism quantity and quality to interpret the health of your biological amendments.

Soil Health Workshops

Matt Andrus shared his favorable impression, saying. “The organic soil health workshop was an intimate three day program in Bloomfield, Connecticut. Todd Harrington of Harrington Organic Lawn Care hosted and directed the workshop about soil biology and the soil food web. The soil food web is the interaction between microbiology and plants. It details a trade-off between fungi, bacteria and protozoa living on the roots and the roots living with the organisms. The soil food web details how to keep and maintain healthy soil, and in turn you will have healthy plants. You don’t necessarily have to feed your plants but you do have to feed the soil, because the plants live and feed from the soil.”

Down to a Science

“If biology is going to keep the soil healthy and the plants need that to be healthy – how do you make the soil healthy? The answer lies in composting techniques including compost tea. Todd Harrington is one of the most educated people on this subject. He takes it all down to a microscopic level and everything is quantified. So there is no guesswork involved, he has it down to a science. It is really impressive.” said Mr. Andrus.

Would you like more information about enrolling in Harrington’s Organic Pro Series: Soil Health Workshops? Do you have questions or comments about soil treatment? Contact us anytime. We are here to answer all of you questions and help solve any issues.



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